Taskigt om britney
Det här va vad nån har gåt ut å sagt om Britney (vet tyvärr ej vem personen är) Tycka vad man vill om britney men det här var hemskt taskigt sagt!
In case you didn't see the show Silverman said, "Have you seen Britney's kids? Oh my god, they are the most adorable mistakes you will ever see!" Silverman said. "They are as cute as the hairless vagina they came out of."

In case you didn't see the show Silverman said, "Have you seen Britney's kids? Oh my god, they are the most adorable mistakes you will ever see!" Silverman said. "They are as cute as the hairless vagina they came out of."

Postat av: Agnes
det var riktigt elakt sagt av dom!!! Fattar inte ens hur folk kan säga något sånt!